I've just got back from three days in a summerhouse with my parents and boyfriend. And i think i've realized i'm getting too old for that now. I've for years been going away with my parents, and it's been great, sure. And the fact that you get to go away on holiday for free, is really great, yeah i know that's a bit lame, but i wouldn't be able to do it on my own. So i'm really happy i've been able to come along with them for so many years, but this might be the last to be honest.
I love my parents, of course i do, but lately things are just really getting on my nerves at home. We just seem to argue most of the time, and never have any proper conversations. Well to be honest, i've never been close to my parents, so that's nothing new. But i think i'm getting to the point where i really wish i wasn't living home anymore. I still feel like a child being here. Like i'm not in full control of my own life, and it's really annoying, being as old as i actually am.
Going away on holiday doesn't make things better. Being in the car today was killing me! I try to sleep most of the time we drive on holiday, but it was my last hours with my boyfriend before he had to leave so i wanted to be awake and be with him. Therefore i had to listen to my parents constant arguing about where to go and such. It drives me crazy! Why is it always like that? It really just makes me sad listening to them... I know i don't make things better by telling my dad he doesn't help enough around the house (as i'm not doing it myself). But i really think it would be better if i moved, which is why i so can't wait till the day i'm going to! Plus i know it will be with my other half, which will make life even better!
But tell me, have you ever been tried of your parents (i bet you have)? And why? And have you had same problem going on holidays with them when you did?
Oh yeah! Jeg har følt det der en million gange! Du skal bare til at komme afsted derfra... man bliver så sur og bitter generelt når man har det sådan hver dag. Find dig en fed lejlighed!
I know i know! Vil også meget gerne snart her fra, men eftersom jeg ikke er sikker på studie endnu og kæresten højst sandsynligt kommer snart, så bliver jeg vist nødt til at vente lidt endnu... Må bare sørge for at lave en masse, så jeg ikke er hjemme så ofte, såsom at være til tøse-middag ;)
Yeah, du skal med næste gang!
Uh kommer kæresten her? Og bor?
Selvfølgelig skal jeg det! :)
Og ja det er indtil videre planen, så snart han har betalt sin studiegæld i England og kan finde sig et job her i DK så skulle det ku lade sig gøre, så det bliver dejligt!
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