Thursday, May 20, 2010

Final exam!

Today is my final exam (except for a test on Tuesday, but that's nothing). I don't like exams very much, actually I hate them! I always get so nervous and I can't do anything else but wait for it to be over! Today is no exception! I woke up at 6am and been nervous ever since! I feel so sick, I feel like I could pass out any minute! Great, right?! I wish I could do something about it, cause I know it's just a stupid idea, but controlling your body isn't that easy at all! My exam isn't until 11.15, so still an hour to wait! I really hope I do okay as it's so important with a good grade today!

Anyway, enough about the exam. I'm really looking forward to this weekend. I'm off to Odense later today, going home to my parents for some days. I'll try to de-stress and save some money. I can't wait to have some days off and relax a little, it's been such a stressed month with the exam project and all. I'll try to remember the blog being away. I think it's time for more fashion related stuff, it's been a lot of me, school and stress lately.

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