Saturday, July 21, 2012

Cyprus - Day 6

Det smukke teater ved Kourion, hvilket er det eneste som stadig står. Resten af området er ruiner, men stadig spændende at se.

Udsigten var fantastisk oppe fra bjerget.

Jeg elsker sådan steder, og får altid lyst til at rejse tilbage i tiden og se hvordan de
levede og hvordan alt i virkeligheden så ud.

Vi kørte til Pafos for at spise frokost og se den skønne by igen.

Jeg fik prøvet de sjove små fisk der renser ens fødder. Skøn oplevelse.

Forfriskninger på en fortovs café.

Så er jeg ved at være ved vejs ende med Cypern billeder. Dette er fra vores anden sidste dag, så mangler jeg kun en dag mere! Derefter har jeg lidt billeder fra vores dag i London/Brixton, lidt blandet billeder fra England, samt en masse nye køb! Så der er stadig meget at vise jer :) Det bliver dog først i morgen, da jeg snart skal i byen og spise, samt i biografen for at se den sidste Batman film! Glæder mig!

Here are pictures from our second last day in Cyprus. We went to see the beautiful Kourion, which is mostly ruins of old Greek looking buildings. But there's a theatre that is still intact there, which is gorgeous. There was an amazing view from up there and even though it was a burning hot day, I enjoyed it so much. I always really wish I could go back in time when I visit places like this. I wanna see how they lived and what all the things really looked like. Afterwards we went to Paphos for lunch. I tried the little funny fishes that nibble at your feet, which was really weird but quite nice.

Anyway, I've got to go! I'm going out for dinner and later to the cinema to watch the new Batman film. Can't wait! I'll be back tomorrow with the last post about Cyprus, I promise! And then it's on to the UK and all the fun we had there too!


Laura said...

Hvor er den fin den pink blondekjole! :)

Mary said...

so jealous, looks like a lot of fun! Question; where did you get the white T shirt w/ the zipper from?! The cut is so flattering on you!

Anne said...

Laura: Mange tak! Jeg er også super glad for den :)

Mary: Thank you so much. The t-shirt is pretty old now, I bought it in H&M. It's pretty used, but it's the prefect t-shirt so I don't wanna get rid of it :)