Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Holiday pictures - The first day


Her er lidt blandet billeder fra vores første dag i England. Det første billede er fra lufthavnen, hvor vi hentede vores lejebil. Vi havde bilen alle 10 dage vi var der, da det kun kostede 1300 kr.!!! Det får man altså ikke meget lejebil for i Danmark. Vi kørte nord på til Luton hvor vores hotel lå, ca. 30 km. syd for Milton Keynes. Om aftenen spiste vi kinesisk mad på en lokal restaurant. Det var alt sammen super lækkert.

Here is a few pictures from our first day in the UK. The first picture is from the airport where we picked up our hire car. We had the car for 10 days at the crazy price of 152£! You would be lucky to get a car for two days in Denmark for that price! Anyway, we went to Luton where our hotel was and had dinner at a local Chinese restaurant, which was really lovely.

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