Sunday, February 6, 2011

Making my wish come true

PhotobucketFor tre uger siden lavede jeg en lille e.l.f. ønskeseddel, som jeg havde i sinde at opfylde selv, når jeg fik råd. Det har jeg nu! Jeg vil dog ikke gå amok og bare købe en masse, men kun det jeg virkelig mangler og gerne vil have nu. Derfor har jeg lige lagt disse tre ting i kurven. Jeg er blevet ret glad for e.l.f. lakker. De er vildt billige, flotte farver og holder fint! Har du købt noget til dig selv her i weekenden?

Three weeks ago I made a little e.l.f. wish list, which I planned to fulfil myself, when I could afford it. Now I can! I'm not going to go crazy and buy loads, but just the things I need and really want. I've therefore just put these three things in my basket. I'm quite happy with e.l.f. nail polishes. They are really cheap, pretty colours and last well. Have you bought anything for yourself this weekend?


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