Sunday, November 6, 2011

UK trip part 2 - INCUBUS CONCERT!


Fredag aftens koncert med Incubus var ubeskrivelig helt igennem fantastisk!! Det føles stadig helt surrealistisk at tænke på at jeg rent faktisk var der! De spillede så mange gode sange og bortset fra en gruppe idioter ved siden af os som blev ved med at smadre ind i alle, så var der en virkelig fed stemning! Og Brandon Boyd (forsangeren) er uden tvivl en af de bedste sangere i verden! En masse kærlighed til dette band! Hvis I ikke kender dem så gør jer selv den tjeneste at lyt til et par af deres sange. Der er både vilde rock numre og stille hygge sange.

Friday nights concert with Incubus was absolutely amazing!! Still feels so surreal to think that I was actually there! They played so many great songs and apart from a group of idiots next to us that kept moshing there was a really good atmosphere. Brandon Boyd (lead singer) is without a doubt one of the best singers in the world! Much love for this band! If you don't know them do yourself a favour an have a listen to some of their songs. There's both rocky ones and more mellow ones.

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