Saturday, April 21, 2012

New in: Grey & rocky

I går aftes endte jeg med en tur i Bruun's Galleri for lidt late night shopping. Det er fedt at have et shoppingcenter fem min fra ens lejlighed, men det kan også være farligt og dyrt ;) Jeg synes dog, at jeg har været god i år, da jeg har holdt mig fra butikker og shopping her i DK. Jeg har gemt min shopping til vores ture til England. I går fik jeg dog virkelig lyst til at kigge forbi H&M Divided, som er min ynglings afdeling lige for tiden. Jeg fandt selvfølgelig en masse fede ting at prøve, men endte med kun at købe disse tre ting. Alt sammen gråt og lidt råt. T-shirten er faktisk fra herre afdelingen, som havde et hav af fede grå t-shirts og toppe som jeg har ledt efter i laaaang tid.

Last night I went for some late night shopping in our little shopping centre which is only 5 min away from us. I love having everything so close in the city, but it can be very dangerous as well. I've been good and stayed away from the shops and temptation though. Last night I really just wanted to get something. I went into H&M Divided which is my favourite place to shop here in town. I found loads of cool things, but only bought these three items. All grey and all a bit rocky. The t-shirt is actually from the men´s department, but there wasn't anything for ladies. I've been looking for some cool grey tops for a long time and in the men´s department there's loads!

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