Saturday, October 16, 2010

Aarhus logo competition

Me and my logo (no. 2)

Jeg er lige kommet hjem fra Bruun's Galleri, hvor der i dag var finale i Aarhus logo konkurrence. I tirsdags fik vi (min klasse) i sidste øjeblik info om en konkurrence, om at lave et nyt logo til Aarhus by. Vi havde kun et par timer før deadline, men skyndte os alligevel alle at lave et eller andet. Det resulterede i at vi var fem fra klassen, der gik videre til top 20, og i dag skulle mødes til finalen. Jeg havde ikke de store forventninger, da jeg ikke selv, var fuldt ud tilfreds med mit logo. Jeg vandt heller ikke noget, men det gjorde tre fra min klasse til gengæld. Hvor sejt er det ikke lige? Så blev Aarhus Tech da lige repræsenteret på podiet! Sådan!

I just got home from Bruun's Galleri (a shopping centre in Aarhus), where the final of Aarhus logo competition was held today. Last Tuesday we (my class) heard about this competition to create a new logo for Aarhus city. It was kinda last minute, with a very short deadline of three hours, but we still decided to give it a shot! The result of that, was that five of us went on in the competition, into top 20 and had to be there for the final today. I didn't have many expectations, as I wasn't fully happy with my logo. I didn't win anything, but three of my classmates did! How cool is that? Good job!

Sara, Simon & Kasper

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