Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday feel good song #2

Sidste fredag havde jeg et indlæg med en fredags feel-good sang, og det har jeg tænkt mig at gøre til en lille tradition her på bloggen. For hvad er bedre end at starte weekenden med en god sang?! Jeg hører radio hver morgen, og har allerede hørt denne sang to gange. Jeg har valgt den version, som vi har i DK, hvor der faktisk synges fuck you istedet for forget you. Jeg forstår ikke hvorfor, der er så meget censur i USA og UK...?
Jeg synes sangen har et godt vibe, og den fik mig i godt humør tidligere i morges, så nu får i den! Ha´ en fantastisk fredag!

Last Friday I had a post with a Friday feel good song, and I'm going to make that a little tradition here on the blog. For what is better than to start the weekend with a good song?! I listen to the radio every morning and I have already heard this song twice. I picked the version that we have in DK, where they actually sing fuck you instead of forget you. I don't understand why there is so much censorship in the U.S. and UK...? I think the song has a good vibe to it, and it got me in a good mood earlier this morning, so now I'm sharing it with you! Have an amazing Friday!

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