Monday, June 13, 2011

Northside - Day 2

Having the first drink of the day in our camp

The Vaccines!! Went down to the front to dance :)

Band of Horses

The party crew!

Festivalen sluttede af med Suede

Igår var anden og sidste dag på Northside Festival. Vi havde endnu en fantastisk sjov dag med sol, herligt selskab, en masse øl, grillmad og god musik! The Vaccines var helt klart favoritten for mig igår. Måske fordi det var dem jeg kendte bedst, men de var altså fede og spillede alle de gode numre! De gik endda rundt på festivalen bagefter, så man lige kunne hilse på dem! Det synes jeg altså er ret fedt når bands gør! Anyway, det var som sagt en fantastisk dag og en super afslutning på weekenden.

Yesterday was the second and last day at Northside Festival. We had an amazing time and lots of fun! The Vaccines was definitely my favourite yesterday. Maybe because I knew them better than anything else, but I think they are cool and they played all the great songs! They even went around on the festival grounds afterwards, so we had a little chat with them. I love when bands do that! Anyway, we had a really good time and it's been one of the best weekends I've had in a long time!

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