Saturday, October 23, 2010

Katy has done it again!

The pictures are from the official music video which isn't out yet.

Hun har lavet endnu et hit! Jeg hørte denne sang første gang, da hun optrådte i X Factor sidste weekend. Jeg synes ikke, at hendes vokal er så god lige i denne sang, men sangen er til gengæld utrolig catchy. Det er åbenbart bare noget hun kan! Jeg synes i hvert fald hun har givet os mange gode numre i løbet af hendes karriere, og jeg er sikker på, der er mange flere, hvor de kommer fra! Jeg er fan. Hvad synes i?

She has made yet another hit! I heard this song first time when she appeared on the X Factor last weekend. I don't think her vocals are that good in this song, but the song is incredibly catchy. That's apparently just something she can do! I think she has given us many good songs during her career and I'm sure there are many more where they came from! I'm a fan. What do you think?

1 comment:

joana said...

You really remind me Katy! Take a look on my blog and feel free to follow me. I would love if we could follow each other, ohh and if you have twitter you can add me too or facebook . I would be so glad.
I just posted a gorgeous outfit, stay tunned. ♥, Jo