Tuesday, March 30, 2010
If only...

Friends the best TV show ever!

Monday, March 29, 2010
Trying something new

Easter holiday in the UK
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Danish X factor 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
New Moon out on DVD


Tuesday, March 23, 2010
It's all about nude!

Last summers fashion
Just had a little look through my pictures from last summer. I like looking at pictures, so many good memories. Anyway, I decided to take some of my outfits to show you guys. It's very easy to see what was in last summer. Here is 6 outfits that I've picked to show you.

Sorry that the pictures are that small, but for some reason it wouldn't change it. Hope you can still see it okay. If you wanna know anything about the clothes just ask. Dresses are from Jane Norman, Zara, Oasis and Republic.
As you can probably see coral was very in last summer and I loved it! Such a beautiful summer colour! Bought quite a few dresses in that colour. Other things that also was very in was gladiator sandals, leather jackets and the sailor look (blue/white stripy). This year pastel colours are gonna be very popular, especially nude and mint. I am already a really big fan of nude, I just need a tan to wear it I think. I have already bought a few nude things, I'll show you later. The sailor look still seems to be in this summer too so I can use some of my things from last year. I love the casual stripy top I'm wearing on one of the pictures, so that's perfect!
What do you guys think of this summers fashion?