Do I need to say more?! I LOVE this show! I didn't actually watch it to start with. I sometimes just can't be bothered to start watching new shows, but everyone started talking about it so I checked it out. And I'm so glad I did! This show is brilliant! It's just my kind of thing! I love the story, sort of Fame like. I love all the teenage drama! The songs are awesome! Everything is just so cool! I wanna join Glee club!

The popularity of the show has gone crazy since it started last year and lots of countries show it now, including Denmark. I started watching it online and just couldn't stop again, so I'm all done with first season. Boohoo! I want more! Next season should start on the 13th of April though, so not too long now! Really looking forward to it. I've had the soundtrack on repeat since I started watching it. I love singing and dancing around to it! Just makes you in such a good mood!

What do you think of Glee?
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