I går startede festivalen fantastisk ud med skønt vejr og dejlig musik. Dagens high lights var helt sikkert Miles Kane og The Kooks! Måske også fordi det var dem jeg bedst kendte og kunne synge mest med på, men der var gang i den og alle dansede og var glade :) Nice!! Så kom regnen dog desværre og ødelagde en del. Vi smuttede hjem til nogle venner for at se fodbold i et par timer og blive tørre. Derefter tog vi tilbage igen, men regnen ville ingen ende tage, så ved midnat gik jeg hjem i seng.
Some pictures from the first day at Northside Festival. It started out really well with nice weather and good music. The high lights of yesterday was Miles Kane and The Kooks! Maybe because I knew them the best, but everyone was happy and dancing around, it was amazing! Then the rain came and ruined it all a bit. We went home to some friends for a few hours for the footie and to dry. Then we went back to the festival, but the rain wouldn't stop, so I left around midnight.
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